The latest issue of Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Physics. Astronomy Series, Vol. 148 No. 3 (2024)


We are pleased to announce the release of the latest issue of Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Physics. Astronomy Series, Vol. 148 No. 3 (2024). This edition features significant contributions across diverse areas of physics and astronomy.

  1. Thermal annealing of radiation-induced optical absorption in BaF2 and CaF2 crystals irradiated with fast xenon ions explores the optical absorption effects caused by fast ion irradiation and the recovery process through thermal annealing.
  2. Ab-initio calculations for iron-phosphorus and nickel-phosphorus systems investigates the stable structures in these metal-phosphorus systems, using advanced computational methods.
  3. Evaluation of uranium content in biological samples near a radioactive waste facility provides an important analysis of the uranium levels in populations living near such storage facilities.
  4. Distribution of alpha particle tracks on CR-39 detectors in a radon diffusion chamber discusses the behavior of alpha particles in detectors, offering insights into radiation detection.
  5. Study of structural degradation kinetics in ZrO2 ceramics exposed to low-energy He2+ ion irradiation analyzes how these ceramics degrade under irradiation, crucial for materials science.
  6. Multichannel coincidence analyzer for light charged particle identification introduces an advanced technique for detecting light particles in nuclear physics.
  7. Surface modification of Ni-Cr-Al coatings by pulsed plasma treatment (PPT) method addresses new methods for improving the surface properties of materials used in harsh conditions.
  8. Reanalysis of 20Ne + 24Mg elastic scattering angular distributions presents a detailed re-evaluation of elastic scattering in nuclear reactions.