Experimental study of deuterons elastic scattering from 13 C at low energies
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Experimental cross sections of deuterons elastic scattering on target of carbon isotopes 13 С were measured within
obtained beam from cyclotron U-150M in Institute of Nuclear Physics (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Accelerated deuterons beam energy was 14.5 and 18 MeV. An angular distribution of scattered deuterons were in range of 10 to 100 degrees in laboratory system coordinates. The current of charged particles was less than 100 nA. Experiment methods and brief specification of experimental setup are detail described in this work. Experimental data of 13 С(d,d) 13 С interaction and theoretical calculations for elastic scattering process d+ 13 С are the results of investigation. The gained experimental cross sections were compared with analogical previous investigations at other energies. Theoretical calculations were performed in frame of
optical model. The optical potential of Woods-Saxon type was used for analysis of experimental results of elastic scattering. The well agreement was achieved between experimental data and theoretical predictions as a result of data analysis. The results of calculations in the frame of theoretical model would be used for further analysis of experimental data of inelastic deuterons scattering on 13 С.