Analysis of elastic scattering of the 9 Ве nucleus from 28 Si in the energy range of 12-30 MeV in the framework of an optical model

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  • Ғ Ерғалиұлы
  • Н Амангелдi
  • Б Мәуей
  • Д Солдатхан



. In the present work, we analyzed the process of elastic scattering of the 9 Ве nucleus from 28 Si nucleus. The
optical model of the nucleus was chosen as the basis for the study. For analysis, experimental data were collected in the energy range of 12-30 MeV. Analysis of experimental data of energies close to the Coulomb barrier is very important for clarifying the parameters of the optical potential. A search was made for the parameters, assuming that the real and imaginary components of the radius and diffuseness of the potential are equal to each other rr = ri , ar = ai , and the ratio of the real part of the depth of the potential to the imaginary part is V0 / W0 ≈ 10. Data was analyzed using the FRESCO code.



How to Cite

Ерғалиұлы, Ғ., Амангелдi Н., Мәуей, Б., & Солдатхан, Д. (2022). Analysis of elastic scattering of the 9 Ве nucleus from 28 Si in the energy range of 12-30 MeV in the framework of an optical model. BULLETIN OF THE L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PHYSICS. ASTRONOMY SERIES, 131(2), 87–91.




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