Synthesis and optical property of the high entropy compounds Y2,69-хCa0,3Li0,01(Eu or Ce)хAl5O12

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Sol-gel, garnet, XRD, high entropy, X-ray, diffraction


The results of powder X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD)of compounds with a new high entropyY2,69-хCa0,3Li0,01(EuorCe)хAl5O12garnet crystal structure synthesized by the sol-gel method showed that it is a single-phase cubic structure. According to the results of the XRD analysis of monocrystalline compounds of the garnet structure, the garnet phase is defined as the main crystalline phase with an increase in the amount of Ca2+, Li+ and Eu3+, Ce3+ ions. The results of the X-ray diffraction analyzes of the synthesized samples are fully confirmed by the infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopic data. In the region of 1000–400 cm−1 of the FT-IR spectra, the intense peaks characteristic of garnets appeared the same for all samples. Several intense peaks distributed in the region of 1000–400 cm−1 of garnets describe the mode of stretching of tetrahedral units. The surface morphology of high-entropy garnets obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was very similar for all samples, and the bulk grains consisted of spherical particles with an average size of about 50–120 nm. The calculated cell parameters were in the range of 12.316 12.322 nm without any process at the substitution level, which confirms the formation of high-entropy garnet materials. The exact chemical composition of garnet structural compounds with various additives was determined by the ICP-OES method. According to the excitation and emission spectra, the sol-gel method is effective for the preparation of compounds with a high-entropy garnet crystal structure, and they can be used as a matrix for creating new phosphors.

Author Biographies

Сапарғали Пазылбек, Университет им. Ж.А.Ташенева

Head of the Department" mathematics and computer science", PhD., Assoc. professor

Bibol Zhakipbayev

PhD, Associate Professor



How to Cite

Пазылбек, С., Zhakipbayev Б., & Yeskermessov Д. (2024). Synthesis and optical property of the high entropy compounds Y2,69-хCa0,3Li0,01(Eu or Ce)хAl5O12. BULLETIN OF THE L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PHYSICS. ASTRONOMY SERIES, 149(4), 162–177. Retrieved from


