Multichannel coincidence analyzer for light charged particle identification

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  • Alisher Temirzhanov Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Bakhtiyar Sadykov Institute of nuclear physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Timur Zholdybayev Institute of nuclear physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Zhambul Kerimkulov Institute of nuclear physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Kairat Mendibayev Institute of nuclear physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia



Ядерная электроника, многоканальный анализатор, альфа спектроскопия, гамма спектроскопия, микроэлектроника


Nuclear physics experiments use specially designed modular units that process signals from radiation detectors and provide information on the nature of these processes. These units, called nuclear electronics, form the basis of nuclear spectrometry systems in medicine, dosimetry, cosmic ray research, and other sources of ionizing radiation.

Rapid development in microelectronics over the past decade has had a significant impact on the development of nuclear electronics. Instead of many bulky modules, it is possible to implement compact integrated circuits for special purposes with digital signal processing or microcontroller systems with a built-in ADC in conjunction with a peak detector.

The article describes the creation of an electrical measurement circuit for the ΔE-E method of recording and identifying lightly charged particles using the MultiSim program. Using this program, a spectrometric amplifier, a single-channel analyzer, and a coincidence circuit were simulated using modern microelectronic components. Based on the simulated circuit, a prototype of a spectrometric amplifier was created. The signal obtained from the created prototype coincides with the simulated one. The obtained data indicate that the simulated scheme can be used for experiments in nuclear physics for the identification of lightly charged particles, as well as in other areas where there is a need for nuclear spectroscopy.




How to Cite

Temirzhanov, A., Sadykov Б., Zholdybayev Т., Kerimkulov Ж., & Mendibayev К. (2024). Multichannel coincidence analyzer for light charged particle identification. BULLETIN OF THE L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PHYSICS. ASTRONOMY SERIES, 148(3), 86–97.


