The equations of dispersion of TE and TM waves in a semi-closed plane waveguide of monoclinic anisotropy

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dispersion evaporation, semi-closed plane waveguide, monoclinic anisotropy, Lamb type waves, surface waves, limiting velocities, phase and group velocities


This article is devoted to the study of waveguide propagation of electromagnetic waves in a semi-closed flat layer of monoclinic anisotropy, in the coordinate plane (yz). The regularities of electromagnetic wave processes are important in many fields of engineering and scientific research. Traditionally, the propagation of optical range waves with the anisotropy of the permittivity tensor and the isotropy of the magnetic permeability tensor has been more studied [1-8].

The patterns of wave propagation in waveguides are used in the creation of devices and devices for various purposes Wave processes in waveguides have dispersion. The presence of dispersion allows you to control and form the necessary properties of wave processes in waveguides.

The patterns of wave dispersion are described by the dependence of the phase and group velocities of waves in waveguides on frequency. The solution of the dispersion equations determines this dependence. In this paper, the equations of dispersion of TE and TM polarization waves in a plane dielectric waveguide of monoclinic anisotropy are obtained. One boundary of the layer is metallized, the other is in contact with a semi-infinite medium. In the case of elastic waves of SH polarization, wave processes in semi-closed waveguides are called Love waves. One of the boundaries of the elastic layer is free, the other is in contact with a semi-infinite elastic medium. Love waves are considered in problems of seismology, geophysics, etc.

Author Biographies

Садритен Тлеукенов, ЕНУ им Л.Н: Гумилева

Doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of technical physics L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Каиржан Балабеков, ЕНУ им Л.Н: Гумилева

Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, associate Professor, Head of the Department of Technical physics, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University



How to Cite

Жалгасбекова, З., Тлеукенов, С., & Балабеков, К. (2024). The equations of dispersion of TE and TM waves in a semi-closed plane waveguide of monoclinic anisotropy. BULLETIN OF THE L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PHYSICS. ASTRONOMY SERIES, 149(4), 75–87. Retrieved from


