Synthesis, the study of the structure of YAG and YAGG phosphors in the radiation field

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  • Ж Карипбаев
  • Д Мусаханов
  • В Лисицын
  • М Голковский
  • Л Лисицына
  • Г Алпысова
  • А Тулегенова
  • А Акылбеков
  • А Даулетбекова
  • К Балабеков
  • А Козловский
  • А Усеинов



In the present work, it was attempted phosphor synthesis using powerful hard radiation fluxes. The surface, elemental composition, structure and luminescent characteristics of obtained YAG:Ce ceramics were studied. Ceramics has a heterogeneous structure. The main phase of the obtained ceramics is YAG, which makes up from 72 to 91% of the total volume of the samples. The remaining volume of samples consists of the phases Al 2 O 3 and CeO 2 . Synthesized YAG:Ce, YAGG:Ce ceramics has such characteristicof of phosphors. The state of the surface and the elemental composition of the surface of a sample of synthesized ceramics were studied using a scanning electron microscope. X-ray analysis of the synthesized ceramic samples was carried out on a diffractometer. Quantitative phase dependence was determined in the
TOPAS-4.2 program. The results of measuring the luminescence spectra measured upon excitation of the surface of the split of the samples are presented.



How to Cite

Карипбаев, Ж., Мусаханов, Д., Лисицын, В., Голковский, М., Лисицына, Л., Алпысова, Г., Тулегенова, А., Акылбеков, А., Даулетбекова, А., Балабеков, К., Козловский, А., & Усеинов, А. (2022). Synthesis, the study of the structure of YAG and YAGG phosphors in the radiation field. BULLETIN OF THE L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PHYSICS. ASTRONOMY SERIES, 128(3), 138–146.




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