Cosmological solutions for F(T) gravity with fermion fields in (2+1) dimensions

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  • Н Мырзакулов
  • Ш Мырзакулова
  • Б Мейрбеков



In this article, we study the modified F(T) gravity, which is non-minimally coupled to fermion fields in (2+1) dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime. By using the Lagrange multipliers method, the point-like Lagrangian was derived and modified Friedmann equations, Dirac equations for the fermion fields were obtained. It is well-known that the symmetry method of the Noether theorem is considered useful not only for establishing realistic cosmological models, but also for finding exact solutions. Using the Noether theorem, the gravitational coupling, the self-consistent potential, the
symmetry generators, the form of F(T) gravity and the first integral (Noether charge) or a conserved quantity for this model are determined. Cosmological solutions with a power form describing the late time epoch of the Universe are obtained. The Hubble parameter, the pressure and energy density for fermion fields and the equation of state parameter are found.



How to Cite

Мырзакулов, Н., Мырзакулова, Ш., & Мейрбеков, Б. (2022). Cosmological solutions for F(T) gravity with fermion fields in (2+1) dimensions. BULLETIN OF THE L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PHYSICS. ASTRONOMY SERIES, 127(2), 57–66.


