BULLETIN OF THE L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PHYSICS. ASTRONOMY SERIES: Announcements https://bulphysast.enu.kz/index.php/physast <p><strong>Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.</strong> <strong>Physics. Astronomy </strong><strong>Series</strong></p> <p><strong>Certificate of registration of mass media:</strong> </p> <p>№ KZ66VPY00031918 dated 02.02.2021</p> <p><strong>ISSN </strong></p> <p>2616-6836</p> <p><strong>ISSN (онлайн) </strong></p> <p>2663-1296</p> <p><strong>DOI of the journal:</strong></p> <p>10.32523/2616-6836</p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong></p> <p>4 times a year.</p> <p><strong>Languages:</strong> </p> <p>Kazakh, English, Russian</p> <p><strong>Review:</strong> </p> <p>Double Blindness</p> <p><strong>Founder and publisher:</strong> </p> <p>NJC "L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University", Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan</p> <p>Publication of theoretical and experimental research materials in the field of physics and astronomy</p> <p><strong>Subject area: </strong></p> <p>Physics, Astronomy</p> <p>Registered by the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Rediscount certificate № KZ66VPY00031918 dated 02.02.2021.</p> <p><strong>Open access policy. </strong></p> <p>Journal articles are directly accessible to all (link to article archive <a href="http://bulphysast.enu.kz/article/archive/index">http://bulphysast.enu.kz/article/archive/index</a>) based on the principle that open access to research results contributes to the advancement of universal knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Archiving. </strong></p> <p>Electronic versions of the scientific journal are provided to the National Center of State Science and Technology Evaluation JSC for the formation of the collection and inclusion in the electronic library. The journal has been archiving materials in Elibrary.ru since 2018.</p> <p><strong>Terms of publication. </strong></p> <p>All articles submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal "Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Physics. Astronomy Series" are subject to mandatory anonymous review. Based on the reviews received, the Editorial Board of the journal makes the final decision.</p> <p><strong>Subscription index</strong>. </p> <p>76093 (<a href="http://admin.bulphil.enu.kz/uploads/39/265fbab10a-prilozenie-3-2-katalog-ao-kazpocta-na-2020-goda.pdf">ENU Journals</a>)</p> <p>L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and JSC "National Center of State Scientific and Technical Expertise" concluded an agreement № 44 dated 06.06.2021 for the inclusion of the journal in the Kazakhstan citation database. According to the agreement, <a href="https://bulphysast.enu.kz/uploads/39/4762b6d6c9-prilozenie-10.pdf">the impact factor of «Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Physics. Astronomy Series» will be calculated for 2020.</a></p> <p> </p> en-US About changing article templates https://bulphysast.enu.kz/index.php/physast/announcement/view/7 <p>Dear readers and subscribers!</p> <p> </p> <p><br />We inform you that the templates for accepted articles have been changed. You can find the corresponding files in the section "For authors" - "Templates"</p> BULLETIN OF THE L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PHYSICS. ASTRONOMY SERIES 2024-04-18 Approval of the composition of the working group https://bulphysast.enu.kz/index.php/physast/announcement/view/6 <p>Dear readers and subscribers!</p> <p>We are pleased to inform you that the lineup for 2024 has been approved by the publisher. The working staff of the magazine includes: Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Executive Secretary, IT specialist, Technical Secretary.</p> <p>The composition of the group can be found in the <a href="https://bulphysast.enu.kz/index.php/physast/about/editorialTeam">Editorial Board section</a>.</p> BULLETIN OF THE L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. PHYSICS. ASTRONOMY SERIES 2024-04-18